The Stake Presidency invites all Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood holders in the Spokane Washington Stake to prepare for a special General Priesthood Meeting to be held Sunday, September 17th at 7pm at the Spokane Stake Center located at 1620 E 29th Avenue.
In 2014, Elder Uchtdorf gave a talk in general conference where he shared the story of Rip Van Winkle who found himself asleep for 20 years, missing out on countless important events in the world and his own personal life. Elder Uchtdorf invited all of us to then not sleep through the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Stake Presidency would like to invite each of us to review Elder Uchtdorf’s message in this important Priesthood meeting. Please plan on attending this edifying and uplifting meeting.
Refreshments will be provided following the meeting.