Stake Conference General Session Invitation Karl Otterstrom, January 9, 2021March 25, 2021 Dear Brothers and Sisters, We are so excited by the edifying and uplifting messages that have been shared online throughout this stake conference week that have been posted on Yesterday two additional messages were shared from Sister Annie Ditto and President Ryan Jensen, the final pre-recorded messages of our stake conference. You may watch the entire playlist of messages, over 75 minutes in duration, by visiting We are pleased to extend an invitation to all members and friends of the Spokane Washington Stake to watch the general session of stake conference that will be held this Sunday at 10 AM. Because of COVID restrictions, we ask members to watch via livestream at Those without reliable internet access can attend the livestream of stake conference at the Regal Building (2721 E 63rd Avenue). Our theme for this Sunday’s session is “Come to the Tree of Life.” In anticipation of Sunday’s session, we ask that you prepare spiritually by reading 1 Nephi 11. You may want to ponder questions such as: How do I feel the Savior’s love?What keeps you from feeling his love more fully?What can I do to help myself or my family to come to the tree of life and partake of the fruit? Sunday’s General session of Stake conference will be as follows: Prelude By Brother Mark Basset of the Lincoln Heights wardOpening Song: Hymn #113 Our Savior’s LoveInvocation: Sister Nora Nicolayasen of the Lincoln Heights WardStake Business- President Chris HollandRecorded Musical number- The Estock family of the Palouse ward- “Come to the Tree of Life”Ryan Jensen, 2nd Counselor Stake Presidency- “May Christ Lift Thee Up”Brother Sam Harwood of the Glenrose Ward- “Hold to the Rod”Sister Emma Breckon of the Spokane 6th Ward- “It all Comes Back to the Savior”Sister Patti Duer, 2nd Counselor Moran Prairie Relief Society- “The Lord’s hand in Mississippi”Intermediate Song: Hymn #274 The Iron RodChris Holland, 1st Counselor Stake Presidency- “Miracles in the Deep”Sister Brynn Snyder, Stake Relief Society Secretary- “Personal Experiences with the Gospel”Stake President, Darrell Moseley- “Temporal and Spiritual Preparedness”Closing Song: Hymn #81 Press Forward, SaintsBenediction: Brother Tom Hicks of the Moran Prairie Ward Even as our stake conference ends on Sunday, we hope you continue to study and share the messages of stake conference, visiting to view videos and to continue to receive uplifting messages and news prepared by members of our stake. We look forward to the day when we can meet together in person as a stake. With love, Spokane Washington Stake Presidency Share this:FacebookEmailPrintLike this:Like Loading... Related January 2021 Stake Conference