On Sunday, October 27, 2024, Spokane Stake President Tim Cobb reorganized the bishopric of the Eagle Peak Young Single Adult (YSA) Ward, sustaining and setting apart Darrell Holmes, of the Lincoln Heights Ward, as Bishop, succeeding Jason Smith. Tucker Bateman was sustained as 1st Counselor, and Caleb Cleverly as 2nd Counselor, both having served in…
Category: Stake News

Newly Called Spokane Stake Presidency Sustained in Historic Conference
In the general session of stake conference held on Sunday, June 2, 2024, Timothy Michael Cobb was sustained as the ninth president of the Spokane Washington Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Phil Huber was sustained as first counselor in the new stake presidency, with Jason Richardson as second counselor. The…

Meetinghouse Moves Expand Access to Fast-growing Regal Branch
Upcoming changes to meetinghouse assignments, announced today in Sacrament meetings of affected church units, will improve accessibility for members and friends of the fast-growing Regal Branch. The Spokane Stake Presidency communicated the changes by letter on January 21st to ward and branch leaders in the affected meetinghouses who were asked to read in Sacrament meeting…

Stake Presents Christmas Musical Fireside
On Sunday, December 17, 2023, members and friends of the Spokane Stake gathered for a musical fireside service, celebrating Christmas season and this special season of light. As attendees filed into the pews, Sister Jennifer Hicks performed prelude music on her violin accompanied by Sister Alyssa Jaderholm. Following congregational singing of “Oh, Come, All Ye…

New Stake Relief Society Presidency Sustained
On Sunday, December 10, 2023, members of the Spokane Stake sustained Sister Malerie Weed of the Lincoln Heights Ward as the Stake Relief Society President. President Weed’s presidency includes Sister Kristi Plaster of the Spokane 2nd Ward, as 1st Counselor, Diane Costa of the Manito Ward, as 2nd Counselor, and Hannah Brugger of the Eagle…

Reorganization of YSA Wards Aims to Gather Young Single Adults Across Spokane
Congregations serving young single adults in five stakes were reorganized on Sunday, April 30, 2023, during a special Sacrament meeting presided over by President Darrell L. Moseley, with four other stake presidents participating. The resulting changes reorganized the Spokane Young Single Adult (YSA) Ward as the Eagle Peak YSA Ward and created the Spokane River…

Regal Branch Created as Part of Ongoing Miracle
On Sunday, February 26, 2023, Area Seventy Elder Hal C. Hunsaker presided over the Lincoln Heights Ward Sacrament meeting in which the Regal Branch of the Church was organized to better serve and gather African Latter-day Saints throughout Spokane County, particularly those who speak the Swahili language, the first of its kind in Washington State….

Worldwide Magazine Features Spokane Stake’s African Saints
The February 2023 issue of the Liahona Magazine, the Church’s worldwide monthly magazine for friends and members, features multiple articles related to the service and life of African saints living in Spokane, as well as dedicated members and missionaries who have fostered Zion within our stake. The magazine’s welcome article is written by Phil and…

New Bishop Sustained in Spokane 1st Ward
On Sunday, January 29, 2023, Spokane Stake President Darrell Moseley reorganized the bishopric of the one of the stake’s oldest wards, the Spokane 1st Ward. Bishop George Frederick [Rick] Whitehead was called and sustained as Bishop, succeeding C. Sean Bates, who had served in the position since 2018. Bishop Whitehead’s counselors were also called, Brother…
New Spokane YSA Ward Bishopric Sustained
On Sunday, January 8, 2023, Spokane Stake President Darrell Moseley reorganized the bishopric of the Spokane Young Single Adult (YSA) Ward, sustaining and setting apart Jason Smith, formerly of the Spokane 2nd Ward, as Bishop, succeeding Aaron Binns. Bishop Smith’s counselors were also sustained, Mark Jenkins as 1st Counselor and Tanner Mullen as 2nd Counselor….