My dear brothers and sisters of the Spokane Washington Stake, It would be impossible to measure the influence of other people on my life. These influences have been both good and bad. But even with the bad, all of these influences helped to build my determination to follow my Savior and his teachings. I chose…
Category: Inspiring Messages

Milestones of the Spokane Stake during President Moseley’s Ministry
Introduction In a special stake conference convened on June 7, 2015, and presided over by Elder Paul V. Johnson of the Seventy, Darrell L. Moseley was sustained as the eighth president of the Spokane Washington Stake. Christopher J. Holland and Matthew M. Borders were sustained and set apart as first and second counselor, respectively. At…

The Eternal Influence and Divine Love of Mothers
Happy Mother’s Day! Today, we honor and celebrate all mothers—those who gave us life, those who have loved us like their own, and those who are mothers in their hearts. Your influence stretches beyond the bounds of this earth, echoing the divine love of our Heavenly Parents. Your dedication, love, and teachings not only shape…

He is Risen, As He Said
Greetings Spokane Stake! On this Easter weekend, I would like you to know of my faith in Jesus Christ and of His role as my Savior and Redeemer. Thank you for your efforts to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for following His example in serving one another. In the book of Matthew,…

General Conference and Pumpkin Waffles
President Moseley invites us to watch General Conference, sharing a tasty recipe that has become a tradition in his home for conference weekend.

Overcome the World and Find Rest
In the video below, President Cheryl Porter of the Stake Relief Society introduces the theme of Saturday evening’s adult session related to President Russell M. Nelson’s recent General Conference talk entitled “Overcome the World and Find Rest” and invites us to follow the invitations of his message. Video design and production by Kelly Ditto, Spokane…

How Do I Feel the Spirt
In preparation for January 2022 Stake Conference, please watch this video where members of our stake describe how they feel the Holy Ghost.

To the Melchizedek Priesthood Holders
President Ryan Jensen of the stake presidency invites Melchizedek Priesthood holders to consider how they can serve with brotherly love and compassion. To be ready to lift one another. Video design and production by Kelly Ditto, Spokane 6th Ward.

Resilience and Happiness, Even in Hard Times
Sister Annie Ditto, a member of the Stake Relief Society Presidency, shares how principles of Gospel living, including gratitude, service and prayer, can help us to become more resilient and happy, even in hard times we may face. Video design and production by Kelly Ditto, Spokane 6th Ward

Messages of Faith, Hope and Love
We are blessed to have President and Sister Thompson serving in the Washington Spokane Mission, presiding over missionary work bringing souls unto Christ. Nearly a third of their mission has been marked by the COVID-19 Pandemic, drastically altering how missionary work is conducted. Their testimonies and messages of faith, hope and love will lift you…