Dear Stake Members,
We are very excited for the Spokane Stake to be offering winter 2022 self-reliance courses to all who are interested. Participants select a self-reliance group focused on one of the following areas:
- Emotional Resilience
- Personal Finances
- Starting and Growing My Business
- Find a Better Job
- Education for Better Work
Self-reliance groups will begin meeting the week of January 9th. Please register in advance.
When you register you will have the opportunity to indicate which day of the week and time works for you. Jeff and Peggy Elmer, the stake’s self-reliance directors, will do their best to accommodate as many people and schedules as possible.

We extend the promise from the First Presidency that as you learn from and participate in a self-reliance group that you will be blessed with greater hope and peace and progress.
With love,
Spokane Stake Presidency
Darrell Moseley
Christopher Holland
Ryan Jensen