Stake Presidents Announce Special YSA Sacrament Meeting Karl Otterstrom, April 22, 2023September 17, 2023 Stake presidents in five stakes in Spokane County have released the following announcement to be shared in wards and branches: A combined Spokane Area Young Single Adult (YSA) Sacrament meeting will be held on Sunday, April 30th at 3pm at the Spokane Stake Center, located at 1620 E 29th Avenue. All young single adults, ages 18 through 30 years old, residing in the following stakes are invited to attend: Spokane, Spokane East, Spokane Mt. Spokane, Spokane North, and Spokane Valley. During the meeting, leaders will present changes to the YSA wards organized in these stakes. Following this special Sacrament meeting, there will be light refreshments served in the cultural hall. Note: This announcement was updated 4/27/23 to include the North and Mt. Spokane stakes. Share this:FacebookEmailPrintLike this:Like Loading... Related Announcements