My dear brothers and sisters of the Spokane Washington Stake,
It would be impossible to measure the influence of other people on my life. These influences have been both good and bad. But even with the bad, all of these influences helped to build my determination to follow my Savior and his teachings. I chose to be influenced by Him. I wanted His influence in my life.
Other influencers in my life included:
My Mother. She taught me how to pray and what faith is.
My Dad: He taught me how to work.
My Grandmother: She taught me how to grow a garden and make cookies.
My Wife: She taught me the gospel.
My Father-in-law: He taught me how to serve others.
The members of the Spokane Washington Stake: Their many acts of Christlike service, their desire to be better, their love for their families and friends, their patience with me, and most of all their love for the Church and for our Savior Jesus Christ has and continues to influence my life for the better. What a blessing it has been to serve these past nine years!
There will be many influences in our lives and many people who influence us. In fact, we will influence others through our actions, words, and teachings.
The greatest influencer in my life has been my Savior, Jesus Christ. He has showed me patience, love, understanding, comfort, kindness, and has blessed me with His perfect Example. The many tender mercies are countless.
I testify to you that Jesus is the Christ, He is the Son of God, the atonement is for all of us including our struggles and challenges.
Allow Him to influence your life and your family’s life in every way everyday.
May God bless you in your desire to draw closer to Him and that you may feel and recognize the influence He has in your life.
In the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior. Amen
President Darrell L Moseley
Spokane Washington Stake