On Sunday, October 27, 2024, Spokane Stake President Tim Cobb reorganized the bishopric of the Eagle Peak Young Single Adult (YSA) Ward, sustaining and setting apart Darrell Holmes, of the Lincoln Heights Ward, as Bishop, succeeding Jason Smith. Tucker Bateman was sustained as 1st Counselor, and Caleb Cleverly as 2nd Counselor, both having served in the capacity of counselors to Bishop Smith.

Testimonies and Invitations
Prior to sustaining the new bishopric, Bishop Jason Smith was honorably released. He and his wife, Heather Smith, offered heartfelt gratitude for their time serving in the ward, leading and loving the members of the Eagle Peak Ward. Sister Smith acknowledged that the Lord’s hand was in their move to Spokane over four years ago, and their service in the Eagle Peak Ward was a tremendous blessing. Bishop Smith exhorted ward members to “keep winning the day” even as they face challenges and uncertainty. They both shared their firm testimony of Jesus Christ.
Following testimonies from Bishop and Sister Smith, the Holmes’s were offered an opportunity to speak. Sister Holmes admitted the call came as a complete surprise, but she received personal witness that it came from God. Bishop Holmes emphasized that his chief aim is to help ward members get on the covenant path through the atonement of Jesus Christ. He gave examples of various affiliations ward members may have, from baseball teams, political parties and work backgrounds, and that none of them have the power to save. Jesus Christ alone has the power to save and bring us back to the presence of our Father in Heaven.
President Cobb and his counselors, President Phil Huber and President Jason Richardson, each bore testimony before closing the meeting. President Richardson noted the importance of the word “willing” when it comes to our relationship with Heavenly Father. President Huber urged those present to make their discipleship to Jesus Christ their highest priority. President Cobb explained the calling of a bishop, the priesthood keys pertaining to the office and call. He noted the authorization to extend the call to Darrell Holmes as Bishop came directly from the First Presidency of the Church. He concluded by reminding those in attendance the joy that comes from the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
About the Holmes Family
Darrell and Lisa Holmes have been members of the Spokane Stake for many years. Originally from Monrovia, California, Bishop Holmes served a full-time mission for the Church in the Washington Spokane Mission between 1984 and 1986. Sister Holmes was also born and raised in southern California. The two were married in the Los Angeles Temple in January 1989 and moved to Spokane in 1997. They have five children and two grandchildren. We are grateful for their willingness to serve and love young single adults in the Spokane Stake.

About the Eagle Peak YSA Ward
The Eagle Peak YSA Ward has its roots in the Spokane YSA Ward originally organized in 1994 and was organized in April 2023 to serve young single adults across three stakes, including Spokane, Spokane East and Spokane Valley stakes.