In the general session of stake conference held on Sunday, June 2, 2024, Timothy Michael Cobb was sustained as the ninth president of the Spokane Washington Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Phil Huber was sustained as first counselor in the new stake presidency, with Jason Richardson as second counselor. The…
Category: Spokane Stake History

Reorganization of YSA Wards Aims to Gather Young Single Adults Across Spokane
Congregations serving young single adults in five stakes were reorganized on Sunday, April 30, 2023, during a special Sacrament meeting presided over by President Darrell L. Moseley, with four other stake presidents participating. The resulting changes reorganized the Spokane Young Single Adult (YSA) Ward as the Eagle Peak YSA Ward and created the Spokane River…

Regal Branch Created as Part of Ongoing Miracle
On Sunday, February 26, 2023, Area Seventy Elder Hal C. Hunsaker presided over the Lincoln Heights Ward Sacrament meeting in which the Regal Branch of the Church was organized to better serve and gather African Latter-day Saints throughout Spokane County, particularly those who speak the Swahili language, the first of its kind in Washington State….
“100 Years in Faith” Documentary Film Viewing
On December 11, 2022, the Spokane Washington Stake hosted a viewing of the documentary, “100 Years in Faith” produced by Lon Gibby in 2006 to commemorate 100 years since the organization of the first LDS Sunday School in Spokane. The event included preliminary remarks about the production. The video is from the Gibby Media Group Vimeo…

Spokane 2nd Ward Joins the Spokane Stake
On Sunday, August 28, 2022, members of the Spokane 2nd and Manito wards met together in a special Sacrament meeting with stake leaders from the Spokane West Stake and Spokane Stake, where proposed stake and ward boundaries were considered for a sustaining vote. With the unanimous support of those present, the Spokane 2nd Ward joined…

June 26 75th Anniversary Commemorative Fireside
Join us as we commemorate 75 years of the Spokane Washington Stake on Sunday, June 26 at 7pm at the Spokane Stake Center, 1620 E 29th Avenue. Doors open at 6pm for viewing of the historical display setup in the Young Women room in the northeast corner of the building. Missed the fireside? You can…

The Story of the Mormon Expo Choir
By: Jennifer J. Hicks An enormous project for a mid-sized city Like the “Little Engine that Could,” Spokane was a mid-sized city in the 1960s that dreamed of doing something big. City leaders permanently transformed the community through vision, hard work and sacrifice when they hosted the World’s Fair in 1974 for 5.6 million people….

We Wish to Represent Ourselves – The First Missionaries Visit Spokane
Missionary work in the Pacific Northwest first commenced in 1855 but lasted for just a few years due to persecution, both locally and in Utah. While missionary work in Washington and Oregon would not resume until decades later, Zion was extending its people beyond territorial Utah. As the settlements of the saints became more established…
By Small and Simple Things
This post was originally published on the Friends of the Spokane Stake Facebook Page October 18, 2020. “By small and simple things are great things brought to pass.” Alma 37:6 Something as simple as acting on an impression or helping someone in a busy grocery store can change the course of lives. That is how…