On Sunday, February 26, 2023, Area Seventy Elder Hal C. Hunsaker presided over the Lincoln Heights Ward Sacrament meeting in which the Regal Branch of the Church was organized to better serve and gather African Latter-day Saints throughout Spokane County, particularly those who speak the Swahili language, the first of its kind in Washington State….
Tag: Swahili Group

Worldwide Magazine Features Spokane Stake’s African Saints
The February 2023 issue of the Liahona Magazine, the Church’s worldwide monthly magazine for friends and members, features multiple articles related to the service and life of African saints living in Spokane, as well as dedicated members and missionaries who have fostered Zion within our stake. The magazine’s welcome article is written by Phil and…

Planting Seeds of Faith Worldwide
Moses Lwakihugo recently joined the Church and is a member of the Swahili Group within the Lincoln Heights Ward. He shares how a routine visit to the grocery store led him to the Gospel. Along with Phil Huber, church service missionary serving in the group, and former Bishop of the Lincoln Heights Ward, the two…
By Small and Simple Things
This post was originally published on the Friends of the Spokane Stake Facebook Page October 18, 2020. “By small and simple things are great things brought to pass.” Alma 37:6 Something as simple as acting on an impression or helping someone in a busy grocery store can change the course of lives. That is how…