Working with the Spokane Washington North Stake, BYU-Idaho is looking forward to the upcoming Education Fireside on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 being held in the Spokane Washington North Stake Center located a 401 W Regina Avenue. This education fireside is for all youth ages 11-18, their parents, youth leaders, and young single adults. Representatives from…
Author: Karl Otterstrom

Spokane Stake Announces March 16th Pickleball Tournament
Spokane Stake Athletics will be hosting a Pickleball Tournament on Saturday, March 16, 2024 from 9a-2p. Please register separately for the Singles Bracket and/or the Double Bracket at the links below. Singles Bracket Registration Doubles Bracket Registration Blue Orange Volleyball Tournament Flyer by jason akinaka

Meetinghouse Moves Expand Access to Fast-growing Regal Branch
Upcoming changes to meetinghouse assignments, announced today in Sacrament meetings of affected church units, will improve accessibility for members and friends of the fast-growing Regal Branch. The Spokane Stake Presidency communicated the changes by letter on January 21st to ward and branch leaders in the affected meetinghouses who were asked to read in Sacrament meeting…

Annual Schedule Changes for Sunday Services Take Effect
Each year, Sunday services are adjusted. The table below reflects meeting times effective beginning January 7, 2024. For any questions, please contact a member of your bishopric. Note: this information has been updated to reflect adjustments made effective March 10, 2024. Church Unit First Meeting Sacrament Meeting Eagle Peak Ward (YSA) 12:00 PM 12:00 PM…

Stake Presidency Announces January 2024 Stake Conference
Dear Brothers and Sisters: Stake Conference will be held the weekend of January 13-14, 2024. All sessions will be held in-person at the stake center. All members are invited to attend the 10:00 a.m. Sunday general session at the stake center. A leadership training session will be held from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on…

Stake Presents Christmas Musical Fireside
On Sunday, December 17, 2023, members and friends of the Spokane Stake gathered for a musical fireside service, celebrating Christmas season and this special season of light. As attendees filed into the pews, Sister Jennifer Hicks performed prelude music on her violin accompanied by Sister Alyssa Jaderholm. Following congregational singing of “Oh, Come, All Ye…

New Stake Relief Society Presidency Sustained
On Sunday, December 10, 2023, members of the Spokane Stake sustained Sister Malerie Weed of the Lincoln Heights Ward as the Stake Relief Society President. President Weed’s presidency includes Sister Kristi Plaster of the Spokane 2nd Ward, as 1st Counselor, Diane Costa of the Manito Ward, as 2nd Counselor, and Hannah Brugger of the Eagle…

Updates to Website Include Scheduling Temple Recommend Interviews
Updates to the stake’s website allows for scheduling interviews online and highlights programs and courses available to the community.

Stake General Priesthood Meeting Called for September 17th, 2023
The Stake Presidency invites all Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood holders in the Spokane Washington Stake to prepare for a special General Priesthood Meeting to be held Sunday, September 17th at 7pm at the Spokane Stake Center located at 1620 E 29th Avenue. In 2014, Elder Uchtdorf gave a talk in general conference where he shared…
Stake Presidency Calls for a Special Fast for Relief from Wildfires
In a letter sent to stake members on August 19th, the Spokane Washington Stake Presidency has invited stake members to pray and fast for rain and relief from the wildfires and smoke, for aid to the firefighters and other emergency responders, and for comfort to those who are directly impacted by these terrible disasters. Additionally,…